Friday, December 21, 2012

Hello holiday

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Exam untuk fall semester third year dah dua tiga hari habis. Tak rasa nak berehat. Boring duduk rumah. Memang dah biasa dengan family pun kalau cuti pergi berjalan. Sekarang ni duduk kat rumah je rasa bosan. Rasa sunyi jugak in a way sebab kawan2 takde yang tumpang tido rumah kali ni. Hidup sama2 housemates kan, jadik kalau nak jemput kawan dtg kena considerate macam-macam. Tinggal sorang sorang lainlah. Nak masak-masak pun, kadang2 tu taste tak sama. Dah buat, takde orang makan pulak. Nak kasi orang lain, tak tahu lah ada yang sudi ke tak. Bukan macam dulu.

Entahlah, I don't feel happy lately. Supposedly habis exam rasa nak melompat, tapi tak pulak kali ni. Pulak tuh, final paper haritu tak sempat siap. Padahal dah study and tau apa nak tulis, cuma kurang bijak bahagi masa. Down sangat time tu actually. I have nobody to talk to that time. Ayah tengah sakit, so malas nak gitau mama cite panjang-panjang. Sabar je lah dulu sorang-sorang. 

Anyways, sekarang busy prepare masak2 untuk Canada Games. Lepas tu pulak kena plan betul2 utk holiday kali ni. Yang tu pening sebenarnya nak pikir. Nak happy-happy ayah kat hospital lagi. Harap sangat ayah cepat sembuh. Tak suka kita gelak-gelak sini, ingat mama adik kena jaga ayah kat rumah. Mampu doa je dari jauh :(

Ya Allah, 
moga semuanya berjalan lancar.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Irish Colcannon (Mashed potatoes with cabbage) Recipe

Posted by cutiefasha at 1:10 AM 0 comments

Yesterday, we get to experience another special date (12/12/12). I make something special to celebrate my "pre" post-exam cooking. As my next exam will be in a week or so, I decided to take a day off from studying, and cooked something nice for my housemates :)

I made a Grilled Salmon with Irish Colcannon on side. It is just a fancy way to name a mashed potatoes with chopped cabbage, onions, and chives. But as I googling the recipe, it turns out it is an Irish-style cooking, and voila! Here are the picture:

The easy-peasy recipe:

1) Boiled potatoes (I used Yukon gold) in lightly salted water, drain when done
2) Chopped onions, some cabbages, and boiled in hot water for until half cook/tender. It is important not to overcook because cabbage tends to get chewy when well-done
3) Drain cabbage mixture and mix well with potatoes.
4) Mashed potatoes, cabbage mixture.
5) Add some garlic cream cheese (optional) and butter
6) Add some milk if you desire the more creamy mixture (I omit this)
7) Seasons with salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste.
8) Voila! Serves with any proteins you like. I did mine with grilled salmon :)

Enjoy :)

One more paper and to holiday we go!

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:58 AM 0 comments
Salam and hey to whoever reading this :)

Just finished two of my final exam paper, another one left to go. Having one week gap between my papers, make me procrastinate even more. Bad Farah, bad me. Ok, I know but hey, we deserve a break too. Anyhow, 11/12/12 has been a great day for me. Although I came for the test not fully ready (I think) but somehow I am quite happy and confidence writing the exam. I don't know. Just have a great feeling though. And when I'm finished, terserempak dgn my professor on the way out she said, ''Well done, ey!" and just that moment makes me feel good. Glad that I finally stick with taking 6 courses this whole semester, and another 6 courses for the next one.

Knowing me, in my first year I only did 4 credit, and in my second year I did 4.5 credit for entire 2 semesters. To able in taking 6 freaking subjects in 4 months is one achievement for me. Sure, my schedule seems empty, and not a lot of night classes, but my workload for each subject was like...pheww! Unbelievable, the amount of reading per week that I 'supposed' to do. Glad glad glad that another sem is done, one left, and then can't wait for Malaysia.

But that's a kinda long term plan. For now, I have approximately two weeks left till my big winter vacation with the housemates. I feel excited at first, but at the same time nervous too. Too many negative opinions were thrown out at us about the trips. But, to think about it, when we told people we're going to Europe last time, people were freaking out too and given us so many tips and info. Hope everything went well for this trip too, Insya Allah :)

Friday, November 16, 2012


Posted by cutiefasha at 1:11 PM 2 comments
Sangat penat. Baru hantar essay 10 pages rabu lepas, hari ni Jumaat kena hantar lagi satu essay. Tak tahan rasanya. Nak nangis airmata tak keluar. Mama, nak balik :'( tambah pulak additional small things, tetiba dapat surat tax tulis amount owing seratus dollar lebih. Pehal? Pening dah. Bil talipon mahal yang amat. Gatal sangat pegi sign contract tiga tahun sape suruh. Padan muka. Dah lah nak gi jalan winter break nanti. Duit sepi sepi je tinggal. Berangan lah kau. Exam paling lewat habis, markah test biasa biasa, mesti yang paling terok antara sumeorang. Sedih lah. What i did wrong?

Bila mengadu sikit, nak share kelelahan yang barely dapat tanggung, kawan cakap, "tu lah, I pun sama. Banyak keje itu ini". I dont need your rambling, just nak sympathy. Dengarlah luahan ni. I feel you, and i need you to feel me. I miss the old days T_T

Arghhhh I so wanna eat Popeyes!! *random thought*

Friday, October 19, 2012

Minggu midterms yang sangat busy nak nangis lalu bukak blog dan tules

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Setelah sekian lama tak bukak blog ni, tetiba rasa nak tulis something. Minggu depan ada tiga midterms. Ada yang worth 50%, 20% and etc. Sangat stress. Sangat rasa nak jalan-jalan. Jalan jalan ambik angin, hilangkan rasa tak tenang ni. Sungguh. Nasib ada one thing yang dapat keep up my head in the game. The fact that travel planning for winter holiday tgh in-progress, jugak the fact yang next summer I wanna go back home for full 4 months. Fullstop. Ahhhh bahagianya kalau semua ikut rancangan.

Winter holiday teaser:

Moga dipermudahkan, insya allah :D

Ok back to work Farah!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cupcake Samudera & Nasi Tomato

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:50 PM 0 comments

Hari ni kawan-kawan dari UBC, Alberta and Guelph datang melawat. Sebab rasa bersalah asyik post makanan kat facebook, so kali ni ada masa sikit masak-masak lah untuk kawan-kawan. Menu harini, Nasi Tomato dengan cupcake sikit. Rasa puas dapat jamu dorang, and seronok tengok orang makan. Alhamdulillah.

Tinggal lagi seminggu lebih nak balik Malaysia. Tak sabar rasanya. Juga, nak pegi Montreal dengan Ottawa dulu sebelum bertolak ke Malaysia. Tiket dah beli, tapi belum plan apa-apa lagi. Kalau tak jadi pegi, memang sedih sangat-sangat, sebab dah janji kan. Memang duit dah sempit sikit, tapi pegi berjalan ni bukannya nak shopping sangat pun. Sightseeing, sambil jenguk2 kawan. Moga segala urusan dipermudahkan.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

They're Graduated!

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Setinggi-tinggi congrats to all my seniors, graduate dah korang :') Semoga berjaya dapat kerja bagus-bagus, cepat kahwin, and nanti ada rezeki umur panjang boleh kita reunion sama-sama. Thank you Allah for all the memories with these people, whom I really grateful to be given chances in knowing them. Next two years here will not be the same no more *shed tears* Lepas ni kena banyak berdikari, kalau susah sikit kena try usaha sendiri dulu. Takde dah senang-senang je panggil orang tu, call orang ni, and etc etc. Seriously I feel so sad, yet empty feeling. Maybe kalau sekarang kat Malaysia tak terasa sangat sedih tu, but here I am in Toronto, watching them go one by one. Alhamdulillah many of them are/already going back for good and settle down in Malaysia. Two more years, and that's it Farah!

For all those times you stood by me 
For all the truth that you made me see 
For all the joy you brought to my life 
For all the wrong that you made right 
For every dream you made come true 
For all the love I found in you 
I'll be forever thankful baby 
You're the one who held me up 
Never let me fall 
You're the one who saw me through through it all 

You were my strength when I was weak 
You were my voice when I couldn't speak 
You were my eyes when I couldn't see 
You saw the best there was in me 
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach 
You gave me faith 'coz you believed 
I'm everything I am 
Because you loved me 

Alhamdulillah for all the love :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Andaian semata-mata

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Macam macam andaian dalam minda. Tak percaya pun ada. Shocking. Sinar harapan? Memang jadi angan-angan. Move on, now. Semoga suluhan bahagia menyinari semua. Aku? Sapu renjisan air mata sendiri.

Btw, rindu sangat akak akak Missi :')

pengubat rinduuuuu

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tourist di Toronto Part #2

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Sekali lagi berlagak gaya pelancong di bandar Toronto. Kali ni bertemankan senior-senior yang bakal graduate, kami memulakan perjalanan di Salad King. Nak meneroka city haruslah perut kenyang kan.

Then otw nak ke AGO, nampak pulak sale kat Forever21. Masuk sat, tapi berjaya tahan diri dari shopping. Syabas Farah, syabas!

Sekail tup tup nampak ada Malaysian Famous Food kat Dundas Square. WOW! Excited jap. Pegilah tengok-tengok jap, rupanya Murtabak. Macam best, tapi perut tak mampu menerima makanan dah. Malagnyaaaa.

Highlights of the day,

Last but not least, shopping makanan sikit kat China Town and then diakhiri dengan Little Italy's Ice Cream with waffle.

Another happy day :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Little Toronto Adventure

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was fun. Nak merasa jadik tourist kat Toronto city ni ha. So, bila ada kengkawan nak datang melawat, bolehlah kita bawak jalan-jalan. If not, terperuk je kat rumah and while doing literally nothing. Makan, tido, bangun tido, makan lagi. Study? Naaaah, if not in the mood tak jalan lah all those reading tu, *Naughty Farah*

So we were heading to Casa Loma, when the group decided to change direction and continue to Little Italy first. Then, after Little Italy, it's time to experience some Korean culture, so we took the subway and went to Korean Town. On the way home for solat and refreshing ourselves, we stopped at Madras Masala for their tasty Chicken Biriyani. What can be more interesting?

Casa Loma? Oh maybe next time! Teeheee~

Oh yeah!
IKEA. Definitely worth going and to feel like we owned everything. Sad, but true. With crazy four of us, we spent the last 3 hours before it's closing hours and debating among ourselves whether should we buy this, should we grab that and so on. 

Aaaaand the best part of all, to end our little adventure, we had decided to come back to Korean Town that night and sing some songs. It's karaoke time. What not to like about singing and headbanging, dancing with your girl friends, and trying to forget that you have tons of homework/assignment/tests waiting for you? *That we had to get back to all the school's stuff soon :-(*

Above all that, it's absolutely  a great day!!

Here's some pictures:

Gelato. ALMOST similar to what we had in Italy. Great flavours available.

There were so many cute stores in Korean Town!!

Zakkeyyah was really really excited, as if she wanted to bring home the whole IKEA.

Adventure buddy

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer Course

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Rinduuu nak update, tapi busy memanjang. Tapi busy busy pun sempat lagi catch up all tv shows tau. Btw, summer course dah start, and so far I'm having fun! Jumpa kawan baru, belajar benda yang I really minat, and above all, the weather was sooo sooo nice so far.

Jadik, here is my Summer Timetable.

As you probably can see, 4 days a week ada kelas French. Two slots each for tutorials and lectures. Best! Suka sangat dapat belajar new language, and dengan ada basic phonetics sikit, learning French becomes much easier. So far so good, and I'm surprising myself bila suddenly I got the confidence to participate in class/lecture. Before this nak bercakap pun takut takut. Sebab tau ni foreign language, and almost all student pun sama je taraf, baru belajar basic, makes me have the confidence to volunteer and answer questions. Hopefully, by having these practices in French class, makes me wanna be more active in other classes as well lah kan, harap harap :D

Friday, April 20, 2012

'Pre' Post-Exam Celebration

Posted by cutiefasha at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Salam and hi :)

Alhamdulillah, selesai 4/5 courses for Winter semester dah. Lega sikit. Now tinggal Linguistic's final on the 30th. Tengok kat calendar memang lama gilos lagi, tapi tally dengan material yang kena cover memang buat sakit kepala. Okeh slow slow boleh buat punya, insyaAllah :)

Jadiknya, semalam two housemates dah habis exam, we all decided nak jalan-jalan ambik angin. Cuaca was lovely. Very lovely, indeed. Pakai selapis je, which I like! Dalam banyak-banyak tempat kat Toronto, we all picked to go to Harbour Front, by walking. Mind you, ni first time jalan nak gi sana. Berpandukan CN Tower jadi rujukan, jalaaaaan lah ke sinun. Tapi haruslaaah sesat -.-'' Dah sampai ke Rogers Centre, pastu blank. Suasana memang dah rasa macam masa kat Europe. Tempat yang agak 'asing' sebab jarang/tak penah pegi lagi. Sudahnya, tanya pak polisi direction haha.

Lawak lah bila kenangkan balik semalam punya kisah. Ada je spot yang buatkan teringat kenangan kat Europe. Ahhh memories ;')

Last-last selesai ambil angin kat HarbourFront, kami carik restoran la nak makan. Tapi tak berapa sure jalan balik cemana, tapi dah ter-sampai kat Union Station. Berbekalkan air Ice Coffee McCafe, naik subway lah senang. Turun kat Dundas, decided nak makan Red Lobster. Nafsu makan memang sentiasa besar -.-''

Exact spot one year ago. How time flies :')

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A lot has happened

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:15 AM 0 comments
So hello. These past weeks I have been busy with exams and stuffs, hence no proper blog updates. Anyhow, today I just got back from MASAT Annual General Meeting for new board members election. I was nominated for two positions, Cultural Affairs Officer, as well as third year representative. Surprisingly, we have to give a speech before the voting takes place. I have not talk in front of people for a very, very, veryyyy long time, since I don't have any presentation or such since my first year in university. Berdebar debar degup jantung kot. Kena bagi speech twice. TWICE! Sampaikan pizza yang go around the hall pun nak telan rasa kunyah batu. Sakit perut and stuffs. Memang nebes ai.

Apa-apapun after two *terrible* speeches, Alhamdulillah I got to represent 3rd year MASAT members and I promised I will be actively involved! Jyeah!!


Also, tengahari tadi we had a very nice lunch, sponsored by Maryam *ehem* thanks!!. We had Thai food at Salad King and the place was super crowded. I was worried we will be getting no seat. However, the services quite fast and hance the food taste soo good! Buuuut a bit spicy la for me.

Seafood Combination with 3 chillis *pedasss* 


Tiket balik Malaysia sudah dibeli horay horay!

(9 July departure) Toronto by Air Canada - Japan by Malaysian Airlines - Malaysia (11 July arrival)

(6 Sept departure) Malaysia by Korean Airlines - Korea by Air Canada - Vancouver - Toronto (7 Sept arrival)


Seriously ter-addicted dengan game ni! Marilah kita main bersama-sama rakan-rakan!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Great Tips

Posted by cutiefasha at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Life Hacks

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rainbow Cupcakes Recipe

Posted by cutiefasha at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Mood mem-baking tetiba muncul. Makanya, terhasil-lah, Rainbow Cupcakes


3/4 cup Self-Rising Flour
3/4 cup Granulated Sugar
3/4 cup Unsalted Butter, Softened
2 Eggs
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla
3 tbs Milk
Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow Food Coloring

Mixing Bowl
Measuring Cups
6 Small Bowls
Muffin Cups
Muffin Pan
Measuring Spoons


Start by pre-heating your oven to 395 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl, use whisk to beat sugar into butter until creamy and fluffy. The mixture should be light in color.

Slowly stir in eggs and flour, making sure each is thouroughly stirred in. Mix in Vanilla.

Stir in milk 1 tablespoon at a time, stirring thoroughly after each tablespoon is added.

Divide mixture evenly into each of the smaller bowls.

Add food coloring in this manner:
Bowl 1- 8 drops red
Bowl 2- 8 drops yellow, 4 drops red
Bowl 3- 8 drops yellow
Bowl 4- 8 drops green
Bowl 5- 8 drops blue
Bowl 6- 8 drops blue, 4 drops red

Mix well until colors are evenly distributed.
Colors are as follows:
Bowl 1- Red
Bowl 2- Orange
Bowl 3- Yellow
Bowl 4- Green
Bowl 5- Blue
Bowl 6- Purple.

Line muffin pan with muffin cups. Starting with purple, spoon batter evenly into each of the muffin cups, spreadng slightly. Continue, layering, with blue, then green, then yellow, then orange, then red.

Bake for 20 minutes at 395 degrees.

Makes 12 regular-sized cupcakes.

Number of Servings: 12

Monday, April 2, 2012

Because you can!

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:57 PM 0 comments

Saturday, March 31, 2012

What colors might tell you?

Posted by cutiefasha at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Psychology of Color [Infographic]

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Color Personality Test

Posted by cutiefasha at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Took a personality test for fun, and here are my results:

Your Existing Situation

Needs excitement and constant stimulation. Willingly participates in activities that are thrilling and offer adventure.

Your Stress Sources

"Feels empty and isolated from others and wishes to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer her than what she was experienced thus far, and doesn't want to miss out on anything. she purses all her goals and dreams, fearful that any missed opportunity will cause her to miss out on even more. Quickly becomes an expert in any field she pursues and can sometimes come off as overbearing and nosy."

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
"Is emotionally demanding, especially during intimate moments, which leaves her feeling frustrated because she is unable to find a perfect union."

Your Desired Objective

"If motivated, she will easily and quickly learn new skills. Is very intense person who seeks excitement and sexual stimulation. Wants others to see her as an exciting and interesting person, who is also charming and can easily influence others. Uses her charm to increase her chances of success and gain other people's trust."

Your Actual Problem

Fears others will try to hold her back from achieving her goals and the things she wants. Puts on the charm and can be manipulative towards others hoping she can get them to do as she wishes and making it easier for her to reach her own goals.

Your Actual Problem #2

Longs the freedom to make her own decisions and plans without the criticism and restrictions of others. Uses her charm to deal with others and get what she wants.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dua Generasi

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:17 PM 0 comments

  • Angkat, Jatuh, Angkat, Jatuh: Sampai lenguh tangan lah cikgu cikgu zaman dulu bagi arahan. Tak pasti sama ada cikgu cikgu zaman sekarang masih amalkan lagi ke tak. Kadang kadang degil jugak malas nak buat, pastu kalau pengawas nampak dia kana marah hehe. Tapi bila dah jadi pengawas, seronok gak cari orang nak marah. Well, budak budak.

  • Paling tak boleh blah, sebab rendah kena selalu beratur kat depan. So, ada advantage di situ, tak payah angkat-angkat jatuh tangan bagai.

  • Bab lawan lawan barang haruslah ada kan. Bag nak besar. Tak de rasa malu pun bawak beg tarik tu sebab semua orang pun bawak. Lagi kaler pink lagi best. Pensil warna haruslah banyak. Lagi banyak lagi cepat hilang. Heran. Mesti sebab banyak orang pinjam pastu buat harta sendiri. Memoriiii.

  • Facebook part memang lawak sangat sangat. Memang BETUL! Ahh rindu pulak buku buku biodata tu. Perasan tak, BUKU BUKU. Ada banyak kot. Wajib isi every hujung tahun. Padahal kawan kawan sekelas sama je. Amalan isi mengisi ni sampai ke sekolah menengah kot kalau tak silap. Zaman PLKN pun ada sikit sikit. Zaman kat Taylor je dah pupus. Erm, apa kata buat balik zaman University ni. Ekekekeke

  • Bab main main sep sep sep tom tom tom pun ada jugak. Kitorg dulu bawak kad UNO, memang femes. Lepak kat tangga tu kurang sikit, tapi kecik kecik pun pandai gosip you all. Time rehat je main tali getah, main coca cola, main larik larik. 

  • Main pemadam pun haruslah guna yang ada corak corak nama negara lah, nama binatang lah. Lagi besar lagi cepat menang, theory nya lah. 

  • Ketuk ketampi. Hahaha

  • Main belon yang guna straw. Memang!!

  • Pensel tekan yang ubah ubah 'ink' dari bawah ke atas bila haus. Ingat lagi kat skolah rendah dulu, pensel tekan yang normal tu diharamkan, sbb banyak kek budak cucuk vudak lain. Bahayaaaa. Jadi boleh pakai pensel kayu or yang jenis tu boleh kot di maafkan. Hehe. Bila sekolah menengah tulis pakai pen rasa cam dah dewasa. Kadang kadang cikgu darjah 6 bagi jugak tulis guna pen, sebagai latihan katanya.

Memories :')

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The famous Spanish Steps

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:01 AM 0 comments

Teringat kisah lawak masa nak cari this fountain. We girls, berinspirasikan filem "When In Rome" and "Lizzie McGuire the Movie" gigih lah mencari Fountain of Love, or Trevi Fountain. Ingat ingat lupa pulak tu camne surrounding dia kan. Tak tau lah kenapa sampai dua tiga kali sesat jalan nak cari Fountain tu. Dah ikut signboard, tapi sesat larat jugak. Ala ala ikut signboard kat KL tu haaa. Last last jumpa this few tourists jugak, tapi bebudak lagi la dorang ni, and kitorang beranikan diri tanya direction to that fountain la. Dorang pun cakap they were going to the same place. Memang terbaek. Ikut punya ikut, jalan punya jalan, jauh boleh tahan, sampai jugak kat sini:

Piazza Spagna

Alamak salah pulak. Bukan macam yang kitorang imagine. Tapi orang memang ramai sangat. Cuma time tu tak appreciate sangat sebab jahil pulak tentang sejarah this place. Dah balik Canada ni barulah sedar significantnye tempat ni haha. Anyway, Italy memang penuh sejarah nya :)

Kalau yang sebenarnya kitorang carik tu yang ni:

Piazza Navona

Juga yang ni:

Fountana de Trevi


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mutiara Kata Hari Ini

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:25 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

For some reason....

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Entry ini berbentuk point form.

  • Today was hot, with the sun's heat actually reach the people. Sebelum ni, harap matahari je tegak atas kepala, tapi panas nye hilang ke mana. Lovely weather, walaupun ketiak berpeluh sikit. Sikit jeee :P

  • Hari Selasa or Rabu, mesti pening nak decide nak lunch apa kat campus. Bukan ada banyak choice pun. Balik balik benda sama je. Kalau tak shawarma, Subway's sandwich, or hotdog, or lagi senang pastry from Tim's Horton. Or maybe jugak lunch kat Veda Cafe, tapi jarang-jarang lah. Bosan kot. Lagi lagi kalau hari Selasa, mesti forever alone je makan. Macam ni:
pathetic :/

  • I actually did sit alone on a bench today makan hotdog sorang-sorang sambil merenung masa depan. eceh.

  • Fell in love with this week's reading for Islam class: Love is the Wine. For some reason, I fell in love with Islamic theology and maybe Sufism ideology. But I think I might just not ready yet to discuss Theology as a whole. Belum cukup ilmu di dada.
a very good read
  • I think I finally can learn to forget. Maybe. Jangan dekat dah please.

  • Between what happened and what WILL happen is our choice. Definitely. Be positive, you'll get through it. Believe. Keep faith.

Jamu mata sikit okeh:

Inilah Chicken Shawarma
Ini pula Tuna Sandwich from Subway. Tapi ai makan takde tomato heeee
Yang ini beef hotdog. Ai makan halal punya okeh. Lebih kurang cenggini la my preferences. Ada onion, and benda hijau tu, tak tau nama dia heh
my feveret. cheese croissant from tim's
also ai suke. chocolate danish
kalau kat Veda this is my choice :)

p/s: kadang kadang terbaca komen orang yang sceptical pasal makanan halal di luar negara. don't worry, makanan halal taklah susah mana nak dapat kalau pandai cari. jangan pulak ingat boleh mati kebulur sebab susah nak dapat food according to dietary restriction. Maybe SUSAH, tapi bukan MUSTAHIL nak dapat. even kat tempat tempat yang ko tak sangka ada halal food, macam Paris, Italy, and etc. Kena usaha sikit lah :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tepat sangat!

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:35 AM 0 comments

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Birthday Celebration

Posted by cutiefasha at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Selamat Hari Lahir!

Amazing day at Chestnut. The food was good, though not great as to compare with Spring Rolls, but they are satisfying enough. The people were awesome, and much more.

Polaroid pictures

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cuba untuk gembira.

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Summary for today:
1) Astronomy midterms done. Quite confusing, but hope for the best.
2) Pegi Eaton nak beli body wash je konon, sekali tersesat sampai Popeye, Marble Slap etc etc...duhh.
3) Pakai one layer je t-shirt. Sekali time balik rumah kena angin baru tau sejuknyeee.


Now i'm confuse :(

Monday, March 12, 2012

Asyik bukak blog je bila nak siap keje? =.=''

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:08 PM 0 comments
It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure

Sambung keje please!

Hari ini hari gembira. Perhaps.

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:06 PM 0 comments

12 March 2012
Syukur sangat sangat sangat dapat result test #3 NMC harini. Yang buatkan ianya lebih special bilamana prof sendiri email and inform the good news. I really wanna cry and thank Allah for this rezeki. Nyata, usaha tangga kejayaan. Tak sia sia habiskan masa buat notes, discuss dengan kawan-kawan, discuss dengan prof pasal test material. Juga mungkin ini berkat share notes dengan fellow classmates. Dulu masa first test, hampir fail. Second test meningkat sikit alhamdulillah tapi still masih tergapai-gapai cara nak study. Test yang kali ni mungkin baru nak jumpa rentak agaknya. Ah, penah dulu rasa geram kenapa usaha dah diberi namun kejayaan masih belum kukecapi. He knows what best for us and He will give at the right time and at the right moment. Kalau belum rezeki mintaklah banyak mana pun, banyak tu jugak yang kau dapat kalau itu je hak engkau. Yang penting kau dah usaha sungguh sungguh, and the result will be setimpal with what you give in. Note for myself.

Now let's go back to page number 4 out of 10 pages. I hope I can accelerate to the max tonight!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's just too funny!

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Troll contest.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kisah Peti Ais

Posted by cutiefasha at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Banyak pulak kisah minggu ni.

  • Landlord datang rumah. As an engineer, no wonder la dia nak try repair sendiri dulu. Tapi lepas tengok-tengok, nampaknya compressor not working. So, dia mungkin nak beli baru or nak ganti compressor tu je, which both might take a while. Jadi, for the mean time, kami tak boleh nak store makanan-makanan basah or cepat basi dalam freezer. Ayam daging ikan semua dah humban tadi. Bau nye memang tuhan saje yang tauuuuu :'( Nanges japppp.

  • Masih tak dapat lupa kisah hari Rabu. Alhamdulillah menang lagi for the second time a cup of coffee at Tim's Horton. Bawak lah medium-sized cup tu masuk kelas, and terus minum sambil-sambil jawab exam. Okeh, thanks coffee sebab hilangkan ngantuk. Habis je jawab paper, fikiran ni menerawang ke mana tah terus jadi lupa yang that cup actually ada coupon menang, terus buang dalam tong sampah. Dari keluar kelas sampailah on the way balik rumah memang tak teringat langsung pasal cup tu. Even before nak tidur malam tu pun masih tak sedar. Tapi, esok paginya, terus teringat and rasa menyesal. Tapi apa boleh buat, takde rezekilah namanya. 

Mutiara kata hari ini: faith begins with the recognition of the truth in your heart, therefore, keep believing :)

cathay pacific sfo hkg 2
Tak salah kan berangan-angan nak naik Business Class? Hehe 

Perihal rumah

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Hari ni our unit''s turn untuk plumbing maintenance. Bagus jugak service kat sini, memang diorang akan gradually replace piping system. Nasib baik hari ni takde kelas, so boleh jugak stay kat rumah nak jaga and tengok2 dorang buat kerja. Bukan tak percaya dengan their work ethics, tapi rasa it is better kot ada somebody kat rumah, just to be sure. Walaupun dalam hati ni rasa penat nya memang tuhan saje yang tau. Semalam scrub the whole washroom, malam nya pulak kemas-kemas dapur, scrub sini sana mana yang patut. Peti ais pun time-time ni nak rosak, memang sangat PERFECT timing. Please la jangan ada benda lain yang nak buat hal okeh!

Another thing, rasanya hari ni not a good day kot. Mungkin sebab dah dua hari asyik seronok je, and tetiba hari ni rasa sedih. Bukan sedih je, rasa nak marah semua. Annoyed dengan few simple things. Rasa ada je tak kena. So, please don't messed up with me. And of course, my best way to deal with all of these, was just to keep silence and malas nak jokes around. Simple, easy, biar diri ni sorang je yang affected.

Not in the mood :/

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Beautiful Cakes

Posted by cutiefasha at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Rainbow Cakes

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Blueberry Cheesecake


Chocolate Indulgence

Pink Cakes

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kisah senyum

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Maryam's 21st birthday

Macam-macam jadi minggu ni. Mari kita summarise kan bersama-sama:

  1. Dapat result midterms yang 2 minggu lepas. Linguistic, Anthropology, dengan Language and Gender. Result so-so. Ada yang hampir fail. So drop that course supaya tak effect GPA. Lagipun tu 300level course, maybe belum bersedia. 
  2. Asyik nak senyum sorang sorang sampai dorang tanya kenapa. Tah, rasa happy walau pun kena sister-zoned (if you know what i mean). Tapi tak kisah pun asalkan I'm happy and habiskan sisa-sisa semester ni dengan good memories. So far so good :)
  3. Sambut birthday housemate. Seperti biasa, kisah kelakar harus ada. Tak pandai pakai lighter punya pasal, terpaksa mintak tolong orang. Lucu betul.
  4. Hari ni Rabu, baru habis term test NMC. Yakin betul tu taklah, tapi alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan, dapat jugak ilham masa menjawab. Lately, dapat B pun bersyukur. Tapi, mestilah sebagai student, harapan A sentiasa ada. Doakan supaya berjaya.
  5. Masih rasa nak senyum.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Food Crave

Posted by cutiefasha at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Asam Laksa

Yong Tau Foo kat Bomba Taiping

Mi Goreng (nak yang mama buat)

Satay Kajang

Butter Prawns

Ok sudah sudah lah tu Farah seksa jiwa raga google makanan sedap-sedap ni. Waaaaaa nak balik!!! Kenapa harus balik July? :'(



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