Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer Course

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:05 AM
Rinduuu nak update, tapi busy memanjang. Tapi busy busy pun sempat lagi catch up all tv shows tau. Btw, summer course dah start, and so far I'm having fun! Jumpa kawan baru, belajar benda yang I really minat, and above all, the weather was sooo sooo nice so far.

Jadik, here is my Summer Timetable.

As you probably can see, 4 days a week ada kelas French. Two slots each for tutorials and lectures. Best! Suka sangat dapat belajar new language, and dengan ada basic phonetics sikit, learning French becomes much easier. So far so good, and I'm surprising myself bila suddenly I got the confidence to participate in class/lecture. Before this nak bercakap pun takut takut. Sebab tau ni foreign language, and almost all student pun sama je taraf, baru belajar basic, makes me have the confidence to volunteer and answer questions. Hopefully, by having these practices in French class, makes me wanna be more active in other classes as well lah kan, harap harap :D




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