Monday, October 31, 2011

My personal tentative for the month (November)

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:14 PM 0 comments
3rd November: Essay Outline due for ANT207

4 - 8th November: Fall Break, No class. Eid-ul Adha on the 6th.

9 November: Essay NMC283 DUE!!!

14 November: LIN100 in-class test

15 November: ANT207 Essay DUE!!!

30 November: NMC283 in-class test #2

I'd rather go back to kinder-garden. PLEASEEEE!

Truth is sometimes too bitter to swallow.

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:07 PM 0 comments

Motif post lagu ni? Muahahaha :D

Memang pahit untuk ditelan. Definitely!

In desperate needs for motivation

Posted by cutiefasha at 7:58 PM 0 comments
When life gets stressful, we often forget the things we should remember, and remember the things we should forget.

Minggu yang penuh dengan midterms baru je dua minggu berlalu. Tapi, tak bermakna life's getting better. Sama je busy dengan essays, in-coming tests dan jugak other non-academic activities. Lately suka nak mem-busy-kan diri dengan aktiviti luar such as Islamic talks, cooking class, making new friends etc etc.

Result pun semakin banyak yang keluar. So far tak memberansangkan, in a way tak capai target nak dapat A. Haruslah bersyukur apa yang ada kan.Seolah-olah kembali pada zaman sekolah menengah, bilamana lulus subjek elektif pun kira syukur. That time memang tau kemampuan diri tak boleh coop dengan subject science (bio/phy/chem/+math). Tapi sekarang, eventhough ambik art stream pun, still tak boleh nak score dengan jayanya makes me wonder, WHAT ACTUALLY I'M GOOD AT?

For now, my major is Anthropology and minor-ing in Linguistic. Frankly speaking, sangat enjoy belajar linguistic. It is something that based on fact, you have to memorised some concepts, applied them on examples given, and boom, you score your assignment. Kalau Anthro's subjects pulak, banyak essay, critical thinking, analysis, reading, so on so on. Setakat ni memang boleh bawak lagi, tapi susahlah nak membantu tinggikan CGPA.

Sangat runsing. Banyak isu yang lately dibincangkan among us. Takmau cakap what is the issue, but cukuplah untuk kata yang isu orang semakin meningkat dewasa, cewah :P Ada je nak cakap pasal that thing dalam sehari. Sampai jerawat pun naik dek kerana pening pikir pasal tu haha! Anyway, kalau boleh taknak pikir dah as umur masih muda, masih banyak benda nak dicapai dalam hidup. Pasal 'tu', nantilah lagi 2-3 tahun pikir balik, baik rakan-rakan.

Another thing to mention here, winter break punya trip dah finalise! Yeeehooo!!! Location dirahsiakan buat sementara waktu, tapi we're still gonna faced the cold sebab pegi tempat yang still tengah winter. Cuma harap-harap the snow takla setebal Canadian winter kan hehe. Perlukan back-pack and tak tahu mana nak beli. I also in desperate need for payung. My current payung dah rosak oleh angin ganas Toronto. :'(

Mana nak cari payung camni ek?

Because this post is so depressed, I'm gonna post some motivation lines below. Just to cheer me up, and those who are reading and kinda depressed too :D

  1. You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have.
  2. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
  3. You cannot change what you refuse to confront.
  4. Nobody is perfect, and nobody deserves to be perfect.  Nobody has it easy.  You never know what people are going through.  Every one of us has issues.  So don’t belittle yourself or anyone else.  Everybody is fighting their own unique war.
  5. Crying doesn’t indicate that you’re weak.  Since birth, it has always been a sign that you’re alive and full of potential.
  6. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
  7. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
  8. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.  Let it go.
  9. Making one person smile can change the world.  Maybe not the whole world, but their world.  Start small.  Start now.
  10. Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.

It's actually from a very good, motivational website and they have so many inspiring posts for you. The title for the one above is "75 Reminders for Tough Times". You can read the rest here.

Till then, Assalammualaikum :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Posted by cutiefasha at 10:50 PM 0 comments

Best gila kan kalau pakai iphone. Tak yah la nak angkut dua-dua iPod ngan Nokia aku ni sekali haha. Gatal je tangan nak tukar phone. Ape-apepun tunggu la contract habis tahun depan.

Anyway, gambar-gambar berikut sangat kewl untul fanatic iPhone.

high-tech cupcakes

irony: digital vs. paper!!!

practical :)


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cooking Collaboration with fellow Mathematicians

Posted by cutiefasha at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Nasi Lemak + Deep Fried Anchovies + Cucumber + Boiled Eggs + Very very mild Sambal

The most happening cooking event ever! Well, it is my first experience after all. We arrived at the New College at 4pm, and while waiting for the host to arrive, I was actually feeling so nervous that my cooking will not turn out good enough. Imagine that you have to cook for 30 people. The only experience I had was cooking for 10 people. Top. Not more than that.

But, well, I had to try my best. Dah tu, nak masak nasi lemak untuk depa, tapi pedas tak boleh. Pening nak alter recipe. It was so hectic day, with only 8 people available to help with the cooking. Worst to come to worst, periuk nasik, blender, semua takde! Kelam-kabut balik rumah ambik. Nasib baik the Math's Union ada kereta, so he drove me all the way to Centre Avenue. Kalau naik TTC, berapa lama pulak nak sampai

So, we start cooking Bubur Jagung and Nasi Lemak dalam pukul 6 camtu. Dengan krisis nasi salah beli, bwg putih takde, garam tah kat mana-mana, memang meletihkan. Despite all those challenges, berjaya jugak settle masak-masak dalam pukul 8.30pm camtu. Kemas-kemas, bawak semua makanan to Bahen Centre, makan-makan with the Professors and Math's Union members, last-last balik pukul 11pm. Nasib baik kena hantar naik kereta. Seriau gak nak jalan malam-malam. Dengan tangan semua penuh angkut blender, periuk, pan, apa bagai lagi lah. Haha.

Overall, PRICELESSSS EXPERIENCE EVER. Thanks Kamil sebab recommend me to this event. And thanks Sang Hee for very wonderful night. And Daniella (Chef for Middle Eastern Cuisine) for preparing such delicious "baklava". Samosa with cheeseee! Heaven!!

Last but not least, to Anhar who was willing to sacrifice her Friday to help me in the kitchen, despite five midterms that she'll be having. Jasamu sangat dikenang :)

P/s: Terlampau penat agaknya Jumaat tu. Memang rasa nak demam esoknya. Hari ni pun sengal-sengal badan. Nak nangis :'( Dengan tiga midterms, plus 1 homework. Pengsan!

More Photos:

some of the foods prepared by us

fellow Mathematicians yang hadir

ni kot baklova tu. dalam ni cheeeseeee!!

Bahen Centre 6th Floor

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boyfriend vs. Husband

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:55 PM 0 comments
click for larger image

Realiti atau fantasi? Ini ayat engineer konon. Teringin nak translate dari pandangan sosial sains pulak. How do  we view different perspectives are really fascinating. Different people, different view. It is how we as unique human being, operate in this wonderful world.

original link: click here

Much interesting :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

My personal tentative for the month

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:49 AM 0 comments
8 OCT : Toronto Harbour Cruise in the morning; UTDinner Meeting for the evening

9 - 10 OCT : iHistory

13 OCT : Malaysian Night Planning Meeting

14 OCT : Collaboration cooking session with The Math Union Club

18 - 19 OCT : Midterms

23 OCT : iERA 

28 - 29 OCT : Hopefully, free time on weekends. 

Busy, tak busy?

biasa dah jadi macam ni -.-"


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #WW

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:56 AM 0 comments



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