Monday, December 13, 2010

Just for fun

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:20 PM

1. Have you ever had a recurring dream? If so what was it?
- Once. Tapi tak ingat sangat pasal ape. I keep getting that dreams..haha...

2. Whats your most memorable dream?
- Erm, adalaaa....teehee~ yang ni secret sebab kalau bagi tau orang dah tak memorable la kan?

3. How many hours sleep do you get each night?
- At least 7 - 8 hours per day. It's a MUST. Sebab kalau tak cukup tidur, mulalah nak pening kepala and etc. If that night memang tak dapat nak tidur awal, esoknya mesti akan tidur petang. huhu.. yeah yeah, i know...*jangan tiru*

4. What time do you get up on a school day?
-  Erm, basically almost the same as my off day, sebab kelas mostly start pukul 2ptg. Sometimes pukul 12 noon, and the earliest is around 10am. Jadi, dlm pukul 9 tu mmg dah segar bugar la if school days. Kalau tak, sorry la. Tunggu nak dekat Zohor baru bangun (Zohor pukul 12noon ok!). Eh, eh, jangan salah anggap pulak ok. Subuh tetap subuh. Tidur balik tu kdg2 je...ahaks *pecaye la sangat*

no. i dont have this type of alarm clock. handphone sudeyh.

5. How many times have you stayed up all night?
- Ada tiga fasa:
1. Time kat sek men= Less than 10 times for the whole 5 yrs. Seriously, tak suke stay-up. Nanti ngantuk pulak.
2. Taylor's life= Ada la dlm 5-8 times for the year. Itu pun sbb sambut birthday org etc..
3. U of T's life= Selalu wey...woosh, what's happening ni? Masih jet-lag kah dah 4 bulan dok merantau ni...hehe...well, ppl change, so do my sleeping cycle...

6. Have you ever got so drunk that you dont remember going to bed?
- Drunk!? Hell NO. Mengigau and tak ingat time tu selalu la kot ^_^

7. What do you normally do last thing before going to bed?
- Make sure dah basuh muka. Baca doa-doa yang sepatutnya. Then, sempat lagi ambik hp nokia tu, online jap baca news baru kat Yahoo! webpage. Hak hak. Takdela ketinggalan sangat kan esok pagi....

8. Does coffee wake you up
- Before this, NO! Only coffee Tenom yang filzah bagi time kat Casa Subang tu je yang berjaya meng-hyper-active kan ku di malam hari. ayayai. But now....since i've met Timmy, "he" changed my life. Susah nya nak tido kalau dah pekena CAFE MOCHA sedap tu sebelum tidur....fuhhh~


9. Does vodka put you to sleep?
- Ah-em...A BIG NO NO. Tee hee~ or should i say -not applicable-

10. Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to how you started?
- Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on apa activity yang dilakukan for the day. Kalau penat myb a little wrigggling kot...KOT?

11. What was the last time you shared a bed?
- That time I was at 17 cole st lagi, barang-barang semua dah pindah kat rumah baru. Tilam ada satu je. Tilam ANHAR, share single bed dgn dia..hihi... we love each other ok? *anhar is my GIRL bestfriendforever ok...!*


12. Do you tend to dream about real life things more, or complete fantasies?
- Real life. A LOT.

13. How long do you remember your dreams for when you wake up?
- The first hour. Or even days kalau it was stg sooo hard to forget abt.

14. Which is worse - being too hot in bed, or too cold?
- In Malaysia = Coldness sebab takde heater.
- In Canada = Hot sebab rasa pelik... haha.. (camne suhu kat luar -10, tapi boleh rasa panas pulak kat rumah?)

15. How many pillows do you sleep with?
- Currently = 3 + 1 mr puppy. I used to have at least 5 pillows back home =(

16. What was your biggest night time fear as a child?
- Rain and thunder =.=

nope. saya JARANG mimpi hantu sebab saya TAK TENGOK cerita hantu. haha

17. What's under your bed?
- Erm, my floor?? Sebab takde katil, tilam je...hehe

18. What do you wear in bed?
- Hey, none of ur business...Alrite, just short-sleeves t-shirt, with home-pants. Sometimes kalau sejuk tamabh lagi sweater, even dah pakai 2 lapis selimut...fuhhh~


19. Do you read in the evening, the morning, or not at all?
- Morning and Evening ^_^

20. Do you eat in bed?
- YUP. Best betul. Kalau kat rumah jangan harap. Mama marah nanti..teeheee~ saya nakal sikit disini....*jangan kasi tumpah sudah*





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