This really means something. Something important. I AM TURNING TWENTYTHREE SOON!
Too soon I must say. So not ready. Kali ni excited nak birthday nye lain macam sikit. Dulu excited sebab lain, sekarang less excitement, more worried I guess. Sebab makin tua, makin banyak responsibility, makin banyak expectation. It's too complicated.
Dulu fikir nak seronok seronok je. Dulu tak kisah pun apa nak jadi 2, 3 years ahead. Live your life to the fullest, enjoy the present katanya.
Sekarang ni tak boleh dah set my mind as easy as that. Next year punya birthday will be different. Most probably memang bukan Canada dah. Mungkin kat Malaysia, mungkin kat somewhere else. Mungkin sambut sorang-sorang, mungkin (harapnya) dengan family tercinta, mungkin juga dengan a whole new set of friends. Semua ini mungkin. Mungkin bermaksud tiada yang pasti.
Sebut pasal future, semuanya jadi tak tentu hala. Nak sambung Master-kah? Nak terus bekerjaya-kah? Atau nak ...?
So far it's been a great journey here in Toronto. My fourth year here seems a lot different than what I expected. Banyak additional events/things/incidents yang tak pernah terfikir was made possible. I meet a lot of new friends, challenging myself for many new things which were outside of my comfort zones.