Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

Posted by cutiefasha at 9:15 PM 0 comments
I have been neglecting this challenge as this question is definitely the hardest one to be answered. As I learned in my Sociology and Anthropology class, human is one unique creature that may or may not have distinct personality. I mean, you sure have heard about how in this whole universe there are 7 people who face are alike. Personally I have been told that I have similar faces to two individual at my old secondary school. Let me show you them.

One of them is my friend, and another one is my lovely teacher :D

These are individuals who people said share the similar face as myself. Yes, No? 

Back to the question, what makes me different?

Of course, I could say that personality wise, I am much different from both of them. "I am who I am, and that makes it different". We all may love to smile, but when and to who we share our joy may be totally contrast. In conclusion, I am proud to admit that I love myself and am trying as often as possible to give love to others as well. Love, here is defined as happiness and joy. To end this "small" paragraph, I quote a saying which is for me so beautiful.
Smiling is contagious. It's like catching a flu. Someone smile at me today, and I started smiling too :)

 Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Awesome-est Housemates Ever

Posted by cutiefasha at 2:06 AM 0 comments

Dear housemates,

I am deeply thankful for all the things we have been through, whether hard or easy, happy or sad, no matter what. The moment we met since Pre-U in Subang, i've know that we were meant to be good friends for each other. For what I've been doing, saying, or acting that may be hurtful or not pleasant, I sincerely hoping for apologies from both of you. Let's plan our vacation soon and hope that our years ahead be a wonderful joy. We shall colours or "dull" life as students so that we may strengthen our friendship forever and ever. May Allah bless our ukhuwah, too.

Thanks again, Anhar and Maryam :)

Farah Aziz

Gadis 901 ^^

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Touch my heart

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:52 PM 0 comments

Susahnya nak buat keputusan
Bila banyak perkara nak kena consider
Tak boleh sesuka hati decide things as the way you like it
Semakin matang usia, semakin serabut jiwa
Oh dunia!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Second week of school

Posted by cutiefasha at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Dah jadi cam journal pulak blog ni. Haha. Anyway, many things happened to me this whole week. Eventhough today is only Wednesday, but tomorrow I'll only have one tutorial, so I guess this week is pretty summed up.

Firstly, on Monday ada satu lecture dan jugak satu tutorial for that class. LIN100Y1. Belajar linguistic ni actually lot of fun, especially if we have somebody to discuss the materials together. Luckily, second lecture dah jumpa kawan. I get to admit that I'm a bit shy at first to approach somebody, but it seems that I'll just have to smile at them and tadaaaa, we may start to converse like an old friend. Oh yeah!

Then, on Tuesday pulak kelas memang hectic sangat sangat. After that first lecture at 12pm, I feel like cannot tahan already and terus decide nak drop that course. In fact, masa second half of lecture time dah malas nak amek notes whatsoever. Later that day, terus pegi bookstore and jual my textbook for that class, even before I drop the course. Nekad habis. The rest of the day went as adventure as last week, where we have to like went out early from 4pm class to go to the subway and running all over people semata mata nak kejar the next class. Like, seriously memang exhausted habis. Anyway, the class is worth "running" for sebab as review said, it's an easy course and the professor was totally funny. Enough said.

Lastly, on Wednesday which is today, ada satu lecture je. And the class starts from 6pm to 9pm. Kelas malam. Overall, kelas ni happening sebab finally ada gak sama lecture with both my housemates. Not only that, banyak jugak Malaysian who enroll in this course as well. So, memang tak boring plus the lecturer was also engaging to the  students attention.

rasa macam this blog is a nagging blog -.-'

p/s: there is something happened this week that makes me "tersenyum lebar". if you get me :P

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Language Matters | An Interesting Phonetic Fact

Posted by cutiefasha at 3:53 PM 0 comments


Words of two syllables are not necessarily longer than words of one syllable. 

If we measure the amount of time it takes us to say a word like dad we come up with a length of 520 milliseconds. 

The word daddy, though, which is two syllables long, takes only 420 milliseconds.

Try it and see if you agree :)


Source: LIN100Y1 Textbook | Contemporary Linguistic Analysis 

An interesting video:

Malang tak berbau

Posted by cutiefasha at 6:52 AM 2 comments

Pembuka cerita nya, macam ni. Masa hari raya aritu, we all sekeluarga pergi lah beraya rumah Mak Long. And her system of cooking gave me some sort of inspiration. Dia akan siap-siap potong semua bawang, halia, etc and then frozen kan those bahan memasak. Jadi, memang save quite a time for cooking. Tambah-tambah student, wajiblah ko rasa cam nak rushing je masak-masak kan. Better read your books kan. KAN? *konon*

Nak dijadikan cerita, Friday kira hari yang aku free jugak la. No class, tutorial etc. Nak study? *Ehem ehem* Malas sikit. Sikit je ah. Tengahari gitu aku pun memulakan misi memotong. Yes.

Bawang yang besar tu kat sini kira bawang merah la. Bawang besar kitorang pakai yang Yellow Onion tu. Yang kecik2 tu ah shallot. Tapi sini shallot dia cam tak elok. Pakai yg besar tu sedap sikit :D

So, bawang yang terlibat dalam peristiwa sadis ni bawang yang paaaaaaling besar tu ha. Nak potong bawang yang besar tu haruslah pakai pisau yang besar kan? Ikut logik la konon. Tetiba, sebab bawang tu macam licin kot, zassss. Terkena la pulak jari ni ha. Rasa seriau nak tengok sebab kitew takut darah hew hew. Tapikan, ekceli, masa kena tak sakit pun. Rasa macam pisau tu lalu je la atas jari ni ha.

Bila ku bawa jari ku ini menghala ke sinki, baru kusedar darah yang mengalir. Aduh :'(  Menitik-nitik non-stop. Tak reti ah nak buat camne. Skill PBSM tak penah wujud dalam diri. Ok  menyesal haha.

Tergendala la segala misi nak memudahkan kerja. Makin complicated rupanya. Itula dikatakan malang tak berbau. Okay, adik-adik yang nak amik PMR. Sila salin contoh karangan ni sekarang. HAHA.

Bila kena luka baru sedar. Langsung tak ada first aid kit. Bahaya jugak kan. Plaster & Minyak gamat terpaksa mintak ihsan housemate. Ok, kena gi drug mart (pharmacy) cari first aid kit nowwwwww.......

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kembali ke Toronto

Posted by cutiefasha at 5:27 AM 0 comments

Alhamdulillah harini masuk hari ke-lima berada di bumi Toronto buat kedua kalinya. Eh paham ke ayat ni? Yang penting, penyakit jet lag masih belum sembuh sembuh. Sudah dua malam tak tidur waktu malam. Paling kritikal masa hari Isnin. Lepas kelas habis, terus tidur petang, melarat-larat sampai Maghrib. Dah tu, terjaga balik sebab lapar tak lunch. Then, kenyang tidur balik. Last-last terjaga dari pukul 3 pagi saaaaaampai pukul 6 lebey. Memang tak bagus untuk kesihatan ye.

Ghupe jetlag macam ni ek?



Then, last Sunday ada BBQ organized by Masat. Seronok makan-makan ngan kawan-kawan. Tapi tak sempat nak cerita panjang sebab tunggu makanan punya lama. Tengah sedap makan diorang buat gathering pulak. But no worries, banyak lagi time untuk catch up all hot stories and stuffs hehe. Overal the BBQ was a blast. Cuma sedih takde chicken wings. HAHA.

Sesi Photo-shoot acara wajib :D

Mini "sembang" session

Antara warga Malaysia yang hadir

Food served

Malamnye ada Lantern Festival gitew.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to busy, hectic, student life

Posted by cutiefasha at 9:38 AM 0 comments

Countdown begins : 3 days-to-go

Toronto, ON



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