Cuti cuti bosan camni banyak buat kerja kurang berfaedah. Maaflah sebab kerja TAK mendatangkan manfaat biasanya lagi seronok kan. Well can't help it -LAH. Kerja aku sekarang ni duk megulang baca buku Harry Potter. Currently no. 5. "Harry Potter dalam Kumpulan Phoenix". Yes, I know. I only have the Malay version, lame! Tapi tu je ada, layan syok gak. Tengah in a mood sebab tak lama lagi final HP movie nak keluar y'all. Kena khatam balik buku2 HP ni berjuta kali baru rasa puassss.
the book's cover |
Lepas da macam bosan baca novel tu, ye la nak habiskan 970 muka surat memanglah menuntut kesabaran bukan kepalang idak? Jadi solution, tengok movie dulu. Lepas sejam tunggu movie Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix di-convertkan ke .mp4 format (sebab nak tengok dalam ipod), aku pun layanlaaa sambil2 makan, sambil2 tunggu mama hantar adik tusyen, bla bla bla...
rasa nak lempang soghang soghang |
BUT, yang buat aku marahhhh gila jalan cerita lain bebenoooo. Bak kata Nabil, GRRRRR... yang paling ketara, dorang langsung tak main Quidditch in this movie. Cannot be wey, cannot-la. Sebab Harry was forbidden to play Quidditch by Umbridge, and for me it was one of the important plot. Then masa Hagrid bawak Harry, Ron and Hermione tengok Grawp dalam hutan, also WRONG maaaa. Mana ada Ron sebenarnya. Dia tengah sedap main Quidditch and menang lagi that time. Aishh, salah besar tu. Not to mention many more small details such as Ron and Hermione weren't portray as prefects at all, Sirius showing the Orders picture instead of Mad-Eye Moody, and banyaaaaaak lagi.
Paling tak best, dorang suke ati je tuka plot.
the cute cho chang |
Ada ke Cho Chang yang baik, comel, macam ni dorang buat jadi "TUKANG LAPOR" kat Umbridge and the squads about Dumbledore Army tu. It supposed to be Chang's friend, Marietta wey! Salah sangat2 tu. Sebab Harry benci dia seolah olah sebab dia kaki repot. Padahal dorang gaduh sebab Cho Chang jeles kat Harry and Hermione. Furthermore, takde pun scene kat Hogsmeade yang masa Valentine Day tu. Nak tengok yang tuuu :')
Btw, maaflah kalau macam emo overrr pulak. For me this is the worst HP movie among the other 6 sebab buku dia sama je, even maybe more thick than the 7th one, tapi dorang compressed jadik one ridiculous movie. Hermmm. Not likey.
And below ada some interesting trivia about this movie. Source IMDB :)
The Department of Mysteries was the first completely computer-generated set used in the series. Building the set practically was too expensive since an estimated 15000 crystal balls would have been needed, and it would have taken take a lot of time to clean and set them up again between takes.
Tunjuk Ministry of Magic je. Nak tengok jugak St. Mungo Hospital. Takde pun :(
Professor Umbridge, though she teaches in a classroom that has appeared in films two through four, inhabits an office vastly different from those of her predecessors. The set was redressed with "fluffy, pink filigree," including a carpet that cost £50,000 to make, and a number of plates upon which moving kittens were animated in post-production. A 24-hour photo shoot was held to photograph and film the kittens for use on these plates. Even the elegant quill which Umbridge gives Harry to write lines using his own blood was designed by the set designers.
According to the original script, the character of Kreacher was not intended to be in this film at all. But after J.K. Rowling read the script, she more or less insisted on him needing to be there to avoid some serious problems with future installments of the series. Though Kreacher has no noticeable impact on the plot or story as it's presented in the film, a couple of scenes with him were added at the last minute based on this request.
Bukti dorang suka suka potong watak :(
Although based on the longest book in the seven book series, this is the shortest movie in the Harry Potter film series.
I told you so.