Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sabar Vs. Syukur

Posted by cutiefasha at 9:38 PM 0 comments

Video ni sangat BEST and betul-betul di-recommend pada sesiapa yang tgh down or rasa macam nak putus asa. *Diri sendiri jugak* Yelah, ini kira time-time genting nak final exam apa semua, di samping nak pikir balik umah tak lama lagi, Insya Allah.

Ada satu part ustaz ni cakap yang betul-betul menyentuh hati.

"Being grateful is more meaningful than being patience for many people can be patience when they are facing hardship but there are few people being grateful when they are in comfort (dipetik dari wall post orang)"

Kita ni lebih senang nak bersabar daripada bersyukur. Sebabnya sabar tu macam terpaksa, tambah-tambah bila kena dugaan dan cabaran. Tapi, bila kita dapat nikmat hidup, susah betul nak rasa bersyukur. Susah sangat nak reflect dalam diri yang Allah tu sebenarnya yang bagi nikmat dan actually, itu pun dikira cabaran gak. Bukan semua orang boleh "sedar" dan still "down to earth" bila dapat macam-macam kesenangan dunia.

Yup, i really touched on that part sebab bila kena dugaan, baru la fikir, apa yang tak kena dengan aku ni, and etc... Tapi bila senang sikit, payah sebenarnya nak ingat Yang Maha Pemurah tu... subhanallah.

Actually syukur jugak sebab tergerak hati nak tengok video ni. Banyak sangat orang share kat wall, so rasa tertarik nak tengok and fahami. Anda semua pun kalau terbukak blog ni jangan lupe tengok and kalau boleh bookmark lagi bagus :D

Alhamdulillah ala nikmati Islam


My new baby

Posted by cutiefasha at 6:08 PM 0 comments

Now i'm trying to update my blog from my precious little ipod. Heeee. Main reason is because my laptop keep shutting off by itself, and the worst part is, sometime it shows me the "death blue screen". Fuhhhh cuak yooo. Tanya sorg comp expertise ni and dia kata WOW itu masalah besar. So now im hanging on and mmg pokai habis nak beli or repair laptop whatsoever. That is why im gonna use my ipod as good as possibe as a sort of back up of my lappy.

Harapppp sangat laptop tu bertahan at least sampai balik msia lagi 67 hari y'all. Huhuhu really really excited sampai tak tau nak habaq mai camne laaa...

And one more thing, reading week finally ended and i'm doing literally nothing. Mmg break gila and just duduk diam diam kat umah menternak lemak (bak kata cik epal).

Sooooo, tu je kot update for now. Myb later on bila aku on9 gune laptop i'll update more and upload some cool pictures.



wowww camni rupenya nak spend time during "reading week"....heeee~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Not a quite "happy" birthday after all

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:44 PM 0 comments

So, yeah I'm officially twenty. I'm not thrilled at all to be an adult as I heard that it is full of challenges. Enough said, i'll now briefly described what we did yesterday [21st feb]...


Pagi-pagi tu naik bas pukul 9.15 pegi Niagara Bus Station. Tengah sedap beratur excited nak naik bas, dia suruh masuk dalam balik, duduk kat kerusi tu, pastu ckp lagi 20 minit next bus sampai. WHAT THE!! Takpe2, permulaan perjalanan dah macam ape da....still cuba meng-happy-kan diri bsama-sama Maryam, Tasha and Filzah.


Ok, ni part best. Bas dah sampai, tapi bukan 20 minit ar ktorg tunggu kan. Janji melayu gak omputeh ni. Dalam pukul 10 lebey baru naik bas. Pastu ada dua orang akak baik+comel sangat datang tegur, serius dorang yang datang TEGOR, pastu excited gila jumpa orang Malaysia. Dorg ni senior kat Trent. Baikkkkk sangat. Not like certain senior kat sini yang sombong cakap 'eh, junior tak nak tegur ktorg, ktorg  tak layan ah korang'. Ala, kalau da namenya sama-sama student kat sini, apa salahnya saling tegur-menegur kan... Back to the topic, akak-akak ni seriously baik sangat and rasa nak je g tuka uni kat peterborough tu haaa =.='

Ok, ni dalam bas ke Niagara Falls,

Pemandangan cantik, subhanallah. Walaupun hari snow lebat gilak, tapi cantikkk sangat. Mata memang kuyu, lalu terpejam layu je laaaa....Tup tup sampai dah. Ni ada gamba pemandangan kat luar.


Dah sampai Niagara, alhamdulilla. Tapi, tak nampak pun fall-nye sebab jau gak la dari bus stop. So, terus ambik bas number #5, duduk dalam 20mins da sampai...Lebih kurang cenggini la ghupenya....

Now, it's shopping time!

First impression masa sampai..."omg, banyaaaaaknya orang!!" Masa pegi first time tu tak de la cenggini pun. First outlet yang ktorg lalu, COACH!! Oh, noooo beratur-ratur orang nak, ambik keputusan, pegi lain-lain dulu and survey-survey harga...Then beli sikit-sikit la barang utk mama and ayah...utk diri sdiri takde pape pun...myb next time kot...heeee

Nak balik dah....

Tengok jam da nak pukul 4pm, so nak balik la konon bas 4.30. Ngam2 sampai bus station 4.20pm, rupa-rupanya bas pukul 4.05pm!! SEDEYYY KOTTT TERTINGGAL BAS! Penat benar nak tunggu sampai pukul 7.35, the next bus. Dah lah perut berkeroncong sebab tak makan lagi..adehh...The worst thing is, area bus station tuh takde pape langsung. kedai nak jamu mata takde, apetah lagi nak jamu perut. Tunggu je la dengan sabar sampai pukul 7.35pm. Penaaaat sangat tambah pening sebab tak makan plus terpikir $$ dah surut...huhu

Sempat gak cam-whore sikit...sikit je ah...


Pukul 7.35 tu ade ar bas sampai, excited gila nak naik bas, tapi rupanya dia gi buffalooooo....argh, tunggu lagi. Time ni rasa nak nangis dah sebab tension tunggu lama sangat plus sembang pasal makan-makan sebab semua orang lapa kan. Pastu my friend tanyalah, kalau dapat, apa benda yang paling ngidam nak makan sekarang ni. You know what, my answer was: Nak tiup lilin kek. Eh? Makanan ke tu? Ok-laaa kek tu makanan lah kan. Sebabnya kan, since umur setahun, sure ada gambar birthday with tiup lilin. Wajib. Tak pernah terlepas. Even kat PLKN pun sambut. Cuma tahun ni je takde. Now once ur distance is far far away from ur family and bestest friends, u can't demand much. Cukup dengan ingatan korang je. Tapi, still I hope that I have a cake and two candles for me to blow them. And a picture. JADILAA. Ini, plan nak pegi makan-makan pun terpaksa cancel sebab sampai Toronto dah pukul 11pm. Tak manis anak dara balik malam-malam.....sigh, nak wat camne?

Apa-apa pun memang bersyukur atas nikmat yang Allah beri dan harap umur yang matang ni, selari la juga dengan kematangan iman dan akal....insya ALLAH...

Akhir kata, thanks a lotttt to friends and family who spend their precious time to post birthday wishes and doa  on my wall. YOUR WISHES MADE MY DAY. I looked back at my notification, and it stated that 161 friends posted on my wall. THX AGAIN GUYS! Kalau dulu-lah, mesti penuh inbox henfon dengan wish bday, tapi skrg facebook je. HAHA. But still, ada insan yang still message me on my bday. I really appreciated that! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm Twenty? 20! Naaa~

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Ok, It's my Birthday. Not an usual birthday, but its the day i turned TWENTY. No more teen-age for me. From now on, i'll be ...-ty age..get it? Argh, let it be~


So, what's the difference for me today? Apart from it's actually still 20th in Canada, but hey, I was born in Malaysia, so i'll follow Malaysian time.

***malay mode activated***

Tapi, tadi gila malu sebab nangis bagai nak rak lepas skype ngan Fatin. Tetiba dia bagi lak link blog, sbb ada post special for me, lagilaaaaa merembes-rembes air mata mak jatuh ok! Awww~

Fatin jahat! Fatin bagi aku nangis. Non-stop ok? Ni dia post title: my super duper farah (?!?)
[tajuk title tu bikin segan je]

Thank you friend =)

Friday, February 18, 2011

What is Family Day in Canada?

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:16 PM 0 comments
rasa cute pin pin!

Yay....cuti dah tiba. Reading week break for one week. Literally, we are supposed to "read", but, nampaknya maybe akan didedicated-kan untuk shopping and release sikit tension penat belajar tapi markah tak gempak pon. Huh!

Ok-lah, berbalik pada topik, kenapa tetiba ada cuti lak on the 21st Feb kat Toronto, ON ni? Adakah kerana mahu menyambut hari lahirku yang bakal tiba?? Bluekk...perasan! Hehe!

Ini semua adalah kerana adanya Family Day yang disambut oleh rata-rata warga Ontario, juga beberapa provinces lain kat Canada ni. Certain province panggil nama lain.

Kalau sebut family day, opkos kena spend time dengan family idok? So, bagi sape yang lucky enough to be with their family within this break, bolehlah bersama-sama keluarga meluangkan masa untuk beramah-mesra dan tidak ketinggalan, merapatkan jurang yang mungkin renggang dek kesibukan kerja yang tidak kira masa. apahal ayat poyo?

Jadi, pada mereka-mereka yang family jauh di mata, namun semestinya dekat di hati, bagaimanakah? Oh, usah khuatir sebab banyak plan anda boleh buat. Anda boleh pegi shopping bersama rakan tersayang, pergi melantak sampai kenyang, atau sekadar ber-skype bersama keluarga, dan tetap menyambut family day ni. muahaha~

My plan? Oh, Rahsia! Tunggu dah accomplished baru boleh habaq mai. Sabaq sat no...

Nah, tengok sendiri lah artikel pasal "Family Day" kat Canada ni. Hangpa semua jangan merungut kata kami kat sini banyak cuti ok! Ni je la baru nak merasa cuti apa bagai. Dulu-dulu deepavali la, cny la, mana de cuti langsung. Raya Haji dulu apetah lagi. Siap ada test ok! Oh, pengorbanan~ takpe2, lupekan saje.

Ok, this is original link Holidays: Family Day in Canada

Ni artikel yang dah di-copy-paste

Family Day in Canada

Quick Facts

The Canadian provinces of Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan celebrate the importance of families on Family Day.

Local names

Family DayEnglish
Jour de la FamilleFrench

Family Day 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Day 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012
See list of observations below
Family Day is observed in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan on the third Monday of February. This holiday celebrates the importance of families and family life to people and their communities.

Some parents take their children to an outdoor ice rink on Family Day. © Suslov

What do people do?

On Family Day, many people plan and take part in activities aimed at the whole family. These include visiting art exhibitions, watching movies, skating on outdoor ice rinks, playing board games and taking part in craft activities. Some communities plan special public events, and art galleries and museums may have reduced price or free entry.
As the weather is usually very cold in February, hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies are popular snacks. Other people use the long weekend as an opportunity for a short winter break or to travel to visit family members or friends. As Family Day falls on the same date as National Heritage Day, some people use the day to explore their personal heritage and family history.

Public life

In the provinces of Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, many people have a day off work and schools are generally closed on Family Day. Many businesses and organizations are closed, but post offices may be open. Public transport services may run to their usual or reduced timetables.
In the province of Manitoba, the third Monday of February is a general holiday, known as Louis Riel Day. Many people have a day off work and school and many businesses, organizations and stores are closed. In some communities, stores are open after noon. Public transport services may run to Sunday or holiday timetables. In rural areas, there may be no services.
In the other provinces and territories of Canada, Family Day is not observed and the third Monday in February is not a holiday. Businesses, organizations, schools and post offices are open as usual and public transport services run to their normal timetables.


Family Day was first held in Canada in the province of Alberta in 1990. It is supposed to reflect the values of family and home that were important to the pioneers who founded Alberta, and give workers the opportunity to spend more time with their families. Family Day was introduced in Saskatchewan in 2007 and in Ontario in 2008. One of the reasons for introducing Family Day was that there was a long period when there were no holidays from New Year's Day until Good Friday.
Holidays to celebrate families are also held in other places around the globe. In the Australian Capital Territory, the first Tuesday of November is known as Family and Community Day. In South Africa, the day after Easter Sunday is Family Day.


Reliability judge sendiri ok. I chose this one sebab senang nak paham. Ok, till next post~


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Movies that I love!

Posted by cutiefasha at 9:14 AM 0 comments

Ok, sampai jugak ke challenge no. 10. A so-called "movies that I love".... Ada banyaaaaak sangat movies that I recently watched. Duk sini internet laju nak mamposs so download tu tiada kekangan. ahaha. bil internet melambung....shhhhh~ Tapi, paling max pun sebulan tak ley lebey 10 movies download okeh! Nanti bil tinggi camno? But that's not the point.

Firstly, movie ni dah lama gak keluar, tai baru je tengok recently. Tajuk : Easy A

A good one, sebab it shows how easy for high school students to face popularity or downturn in their high school experience in just a moment. There's lots of drama, and that is the kind of movie that I loved to watch.


I do enjoy watching movies that have sequel ie: Harry Potter, Narnia, Spiderman etc...
So, last month (I think?) I watched Narnia. Quite an enjoyable one, even takde Peter yang handsome tuuuuu...alololo, tapi enjoy gak sebab adik dia (name pe tah?) dah besar and handsome gak ah. hikhik

Tapi, lupa lak. Ada Caspian. Oh mak, cair tengok masa dia lawan-lawan dengan enemy semua tu. Gagah perkasa orangnya. Overall, I enjoyed watch this story-line and boleh tengok for the next 5 times i guess!

Thirdly, and finally, ( cukuplah tiga je kot, sebab kalau nak cerita semua movie that I love, boleh tercabut keyboard ni aku nak menai semua yang best22222)

I loveeeeeee Lagenda Budak Setan. Ahaaa....melayu la pulak kan? Oh Qasyah (camno eja nama dia?) dan Oh Ayu. Mengapa kalian sangat sweeeet. Lagu mantap siot. Memang ikut feeel laah.

Percaya tak , percaya tak? Aku nangis woooo tengok movie ni. Haha, keluar air mata sedih sebab dorg berpisah lah, sebab Ayu kena pukul lah. Ayoyoyo....tak rock ah camni tengok cite Melayu nak nangis2 pulak, idok?

Baiklah, sampai di sini dahulu report saya untuk hari ini. Semoga berjumpa lagi di waktu dah hari yang lain. Sasssss~~~ Layan~~~


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Posted by cutiefasha at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

5 days till my birthday ^_^

56 days till my first final exam paper

62 days till my last final exam paper

78 days till my flight to Malaysia

p/s: I do have high expectation. Don't screwed it up!

pp/s: craving for Tiramisu. Kalau ada jual lah yang halal kat Toronto ni, I'll buy it for myself on my birthday. Ye lah, takde sapeeeee nak belikan kat sini =((

ppp/s: harap dia wish eyyyy blushing!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Salam Maulidul Rasul 1432

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:37 AM 0 comments

Video ni sangat bermakna untuk dihayati dan diambil banyak pengajaran.

ps: Hari ni banyaaaaaak sangat hal. Pukul 11 nak jumpa Registrar, pukul 2-4pm ada kelas, then pukul 5-7pm pulak. Argh, tak suka nak tggu gap2 tu. Nak balik rumah jugak kalau boleh. Daily pass je la arini. hehe..


Monday, February 14, 2011

Something Else FB didn't tell us....

Posted by cutiefasha at 10:06 AM 0 comments


Have you noticed that you are only seeing updates in your newsfeed from the same people lately? Have you also noticed that when you post things like status messages, photos and links, the same circle of people are commenting and everyone else seems to be ignoring you?

Don't worry, everyone still loves you and nobody has intentionally blocked you. The problem is that a large chunk of your friend/fan list can't see anything you post and here's why:

The "New Facebook" has a newsfeed setting that by default is automatically set to show ONLY posts from people who you've recently interacted with or interacted the most with (which would be limited to the couple of weeks just before people started switching to the new profile). So in other words, for both business and personal pages, unless your friends/fans commented on one of your posts within those few weeks or vice versa - you are now invisible to them and they are invisible to you!!

HERE'S THE FIX: Scroll down to the bottom of the newsfeed on the homepage and click on "Edit Options", click on "Show Posts From" and change the setting to "All Of Your Friends and Pages" Note: This is the fix for personal pages but I am unsure of whether or not the business pages are set up the same way.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rasa macam kat PLKN pulak =p

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:28 PM 2 comments
Nak cite gak kat sini...tak kira. hahahaha....

Arini kan, asyiiiiiiikkkkk makan je. Setakat pukul 8.22pm ni, dah LIMA kali makan. Oh-mai-god BANYAKKKNYAAA

dah rasa rakus macam baby ni makan je. adoyy

Tapi, lauk/makanannya sama je semua. Tak macam PLKN, 6 kali makan, 6 lauk/mknnan yg berlainan.

Tengok ni, tengok!

Breakfast: Spagheti Bolognese

Minum Pagi: Spagheti Bolognese lagiii =D

Lunch: Nasi with Ayam Masak Kicap

Minum Petang: Spagheti Bologneseeeee (kali ni last sebab habis akhirnya. kalau ada lagi sure aku makan lagi. muahaha)

Dinner: Nasi with Ayam Masak Kicap jugak

Supper: belum lagi....azam tamau makan..hahahahahahaha konon!!

See, kan dah macam kat PLKN. Duk makan non-stop. Makan berat2 pulak.

lebih kurang macam ni la suasana DM kat PLKN. Tapi time makan, sure la ramai orang kan.

Eh eh, sudahlah, Asyik update blog je dari tadi. Actually tgh gilaaaaa baca buku Sociology sebab Rabu ada test 3. Test yang bakal menentukan segalanyaaaaa. Wish me luck kawan-kawan!


If 100 People Lived on Earth

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Something from my reading that I thought worth sharing: New Society 6th ed.

If 100 People Lived on Earth

If the earth's population was shrunk to exactly 100 people, and all proportions were kept the same, there would be:

58 Asians
10 East and West Europeans
14 North and South Americans, and
12 Africans

About 1/3 would have access to clean, safe drinking water

1/3 of the population would be children, only half of which would be vaccinated against preventable infectious diseases such as measles and polio

Of the 67 adults, 1/3 would be illiterate

20 people would receive 75% of the entire world's available income

Only 7 people would own an automobile

One person would have control over nuclear weapons

1/3 of the available land would be desert, tundra, pavement, and other wasteland; about 1/8 would be suitable for crops.

Source: Sustainability Institute

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Posted by cutiefasha at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Lirik lagu Muda by Hujan

Tamatlah zaman persekolahan

Masih dihantui memori

Waktu kecil waktu yang gemilang
Oh Tuhan ku tak mahu pergi

Alangkah indahnya dunia

Bila kita semua tak akan membesar
Alangkah indahnya dunia
Bila kita semua akan bersama selamanya

Tak lupa pelbagai peristiwa

Waktu pergi mengaji
Ponteng kerana ku macam tak biasa

Alangkah indahnya dunia

Bila kita semua tak akan membesar
Alangkah indahnya dunia
Bila kita semua akan bersama selamanya

****note from me****

Lagu ni seghonok betui. Rasa bessssssstttt nye kalau betul2 dapat balik ke zaman muda2. ALANGKAH~

muka pun ceriaaaaa je!

Sekarang, bila dah masuk 20-an ni, macam-macam nak kena pikir. Nak bayar bil sendiri lagi...Pening kot =.=' 

Tambah-tambah bila dah duduk kat negara orang, kena pandai-pandai berdikari. Kena masak sendiri, kena basuh baju sendiri, kemas rumah apetah lagi. Kalau tak buat, memang nak kena ah kannn. Takdenya nak bibik2 kat sini. Pastu, nak spend time for study lagi, memang mencabar sebenarnya.

But, bukan nak merungut kat sini sebenarnya. Malah, semua ni adalah pengalaman yang tak dapat di beli di mana-mana. Nanti kalau dah kawen senang, ehem ehem.  Takde la nak culture shock sangat kan. Semua household punya keje dah pass la kiranya. Tinggal nak ada calon je. Haha. Adoyy....apahal cakap benda merapu ni. ABAIKAN OKAY!

Farah - 5 years old

Farah - Soon-to-be 20 years old.

Eh, dah tua!?....haha

Till next post/challenge.....toddles~ 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Something I'm proud of in the past few days

Posted by cutiefasha at 3:21 AM 0 comments

Erk, tajuk day 09 challenge macam kurang kena pada masanya je..haha. Past few days mean last weekend la jugak. Actually, I really do not have anything to proud of coz my last weekend is sort of a boring + unproductive days. Except that I went to MASAT CNY dinner, which I could say one of the awesome-est event jugakla selama kat Toronto ni.

Maybe, I can say that I'm proud that I ate A LOT of veggies during that day. HAHAHA. That's an improvement you guys! Selama ni mana pernah nak makan sayur-mayur bagai. Setakat amek sikit-sikit, pastu yang lebih-lebih tolak tepi. Tapi, masa CNY dinner haritu mana nak tolak tepi dah. Sayur la yang banyak kena serve, yang lain-lain seafood. Ok jugakla, not bad rasanya sayur ni.

Another thing that I'm proud of myself is that I've finished doing my part for seminar class. Yay! Dapat jugaklah hand-in survey kat several 4th year peeps and yang umur almost like 4th year peeps. Yang bukan 4th yr, tapi buat my survey jugak, THX A LOT! Susah-susah aje....=p

Ada lagi!! Baru teringat. Nak cite ni, last week tak lama lepas dpt elaun $$$ pegi Eaton jap. Teman my friend nak beli some stuff kat booth Clinique. Dia beli agak banyak gak la, so both of us dapat buat some sort of free make-over. KENA MAKE-UP YOU! Oh my...segan jek. Nasib baik dalam perjalanan balik ke Centre Avenue tak terserempak ngan sape2. Haha. Segan-segan jugak. Seronok pun ada. Sebab sekarang dah tau la sikit-sikit base macamana nak touch-up2 ni. Dulu noob sangat.....adoyy~ Sebelum balik tu pun, diorg bagi offer utk buat another appointment this Wed sebab ada gala event ape tah, so nnt dapat free make-over lagi. Excited jugakla sebab nak belaja lagi camne nak tutup segala cela di wajah. Haha, tak boleh blah betuiii.....

Conclusion nya,

             [of course, I am still down-to-earth ok~ heee]

ps: TAK SABAR sangat2 nak balik Msia. "5 MAY please come faster"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Very Simple Lunch

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Kalau hari Selasa, memang selalu terkejar-kejar sebab kelas pack sikit compare ngan hari lain. So, hari ni lak, my turn masak kat rumah. So sorry la kat housemate sebab hari ni masak cincai gila. Banyak reading tak habis baca lagi. Haha.

Tetiba rasa lama dah tak update blog or facebook tentang masakan-masakan ku ini. So, for this simple post, please enjoy: MY VERY SIMPLE LUNCH


Ni je lauk yang mampu masak hari ni. Stir fried Veggie + Fish Fillet with Lemon Sauce

Konon ah kan tak makan nasi. Haha. See see !!

yay...licin it's time to get ready for classes....=.='

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Short term goals for this month and why?

Posted by cutiefasha at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Fuh, lama gak tak update blog. Bukan malas ye kawan-kawan.....tapi busy. Haha. Senang cerita, nak jawab persoalan challenge day 08 ni, which is


Actually, this month is my very special month, because it's my BIRTHDAY on the 21st. I know, i'm not a young kid anymore, but i kinda excited to celebrate my birthday this year, far far away from my home town and only have friends here which always cheer me up.

I am going to be 20, oh wait! WHAT?! TWENTY years old. Can't believe it as its such a big number. Big number come with great responsibility. Even kat sini, nak naik TTC aka streetcar or subway, kalau pakai day-pass kena ada adult accompanied the youth/children. Adult kat sini is 20yrs old. Oh no, it felt like so yesterday time jadi youth, suddenly, dah jadi adult. I am soooo not ready man!

Back to my birthday, I am kinda sad because it's been like 3yrs in a row that I celebrated my special day without my family. First kat PLKN, then kat TAYLORS, now kat TORONTO. Sedihhhh. Memang time kat SERATAS dulu pun takla exactly sambut with family, but still weekend tu mama ayah adik mesti datang bawak kek and hadiah. Pastu kawan-kawan ramai yang celebrate sama-sama. 

Kat PLKN pulak, still tolerable sebab mama ayah adik datang jugak weekend tu bawak kek and hadiah. Kawan-kawan kurang ramai compare kat sekolah, but still they are all loving caring "creatures" aka true friends, so tak terasa sangat kot.

And then, paling best masa kat TAYLORS, ada surprised party specially for me! Sayang kawan-kawan TAYLORS sangat2222. Memang la jumpe tak sampai setahun, tapi you guys rock my day! Seriously. I kinda like surprise, and it is really touching when Debs plays the guitar with everyone else singing birthday song to me.

my all time favourite cake-tiramisu-

Ni nak share jugak link video my friends nyanyi ramai-ramai ala-ala konsert at my surprised birthday party.

So, eh? Macam lari tajuk je ni. Nanti la tulis kat bawah ni short term goal yek. wakaka. Anyways, tahun ni bakal sambut kat Toronto. Insya Allah panjang umur, murah rezeki ada la kan. I don't have anything to expect, but I will feel extremely grateful to be celebrating my birthday with my fellow friends here. Dapat makan sushi ramai-ramai pun jadilah. Anhar cakap nak belanja, kan kan? AHAHA~ jk...


1) To be a mature-adult *uhuk uhuk*, which means tak macam budak2 dah, i hope =.='
2) Dapat markah OK untuk socio test 3, insya allah.
3) Save up some money for shopping spree before nak balik Msia nanti
5) Business bertambah maju, ehem ehem.

That's all for now. Till next challenge~

Eh eh, jap. Nak tempek gak video best dari channel IniAnwarHadi

mamat ni lawak. Bro, moga succeed dalam studies wokayy. Dulu-dulu teringin gak buat TESL, tapi tercampak lak kat Social Science ni. Bolehlah, layan~~




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