Tuesday, June 30, 2009

emm, its been quiet a long time...

Posted by cutiefasha at 5:17 AM 0 comments
i know, its been quite a long time (8 days to be specified..ha ha) I've not updating my blog. actually, there's nothing much happens last whole week, not to consider I've failed my driving test, on the road section. so embarrassed...but never mind. finally I've passed that test today..em mm, beside that nothing interesting happens to me....just a plain long week. but i've got something really important this saturday. my family and i will depart to subang jaya and registering into my college the next day, which is sunday. oh, i cant wait... i wonder how the hostels look like? i'm just sure enough the hostels/ apartments are much better than seratas or kem kg baru dormmitory...haha

okay...that is for now.
later, if i'll be in the mood, i'll write again....
tq 4 reading!

yeay~ ak seronok sgt!!

Posted by cutiefasha at 1:21 AM 2 comments
da lulus ujian memandu tuh
setelah kandas mse first time
asalkan da lulus

so...jom g jalan-jalan!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

argh~ exhausted!

Posted by cutiefasha at 3:17 AM 0 comments
seriously, i'm really exhausted this week

my medical check up
i dunno if other psd's scholar went through the same situation as i am
i've been to the hospital for the third time already...and yet
my form was not completed at all

suddenly i've been told by the nurse to come back to the hospital on monday (which is today!) to do another test called mantoux test...



and the result will only come out on thursday...
forth time already maa~

ok enough about the medical thing

now i wanna share about my driving-class-in-progress
i'll be tested TOMORROW that is on tuesday
i'm damn nervous~


those that really spent their time reading my blog....(ade ke???)
i'll really appreciate u all

and i'll appreciate u even more if u could pray for my success in getting "P"

thanks a lot for your time~

Friday, June 19, 2009

mimpi pelik~

Posted by cutiefasha at 5:16 AM 0 comments
sje je catat mimpi pelik ak malam td

camni cite nye

dpn umah ak...tinggal sorg jiran yg pelik
tiap2 ari dia bwk balik binatang@haiwan yg pelik2
antaranya yg ak igt : badak sumbu, burung kasawari, harimau, zirafah...dll

pastu satu kwsn kejiranan ni dok runsing la pasal mslh neyh
so lebey kurang ada tiga kelompok yg bincang cara penyelesaian la kononnya
satu group : mak cik2 yg x bekerja (sng ckp cam group mengumpat ptg2 la...)
next group : group org yg bkerja lebey kurang ada 3 org je
last group : aku ngan wani (ak pun tataw camne ak leh mimpi wani..haha)

tp yg ak igt, ak ase kesian kat badak sumbu tu pasal dia xdpt air..
kering je sentiasa
tp tetiba wani tu dtg umah ak nk siram badak sumbu tu dgn air
so ak pon bganding bahu la ngan wani tok siram badak tu

after dat, tros harimau lak jadik segar...
ak pon takot n nak kunci gril la, pintu umah n pagar
tangan cam tketar2 la pasal takot
so, tah macamana harimau tu da sampai dpn umah ak
n thah silly tiger bley lak mintak kunci umah kat ak
ak kte "xpe2...nanti sye bg. ad rancangan tuk awk~"

ak pon tjaga.....

tah pape la
lwk gak mse nk tulih blk mimpi ni

ape pendapat korang??

Thursday, June 18, 2009

view my picca

Posted by cutiefasha at 7:02 AM 0 comments


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

tanpa keberanian, mimpi tidak bermakna

Posted by cutiefasha at 5:54 AM 0 comments
i watched a nice film "soal hati" recently
then i realise that the tag line is so....emmm how to say?

some of my dream:

1) short term - passing the driving test

2) long term - going to oversea and fulfill my future

but.....in reality I'm so afraid to take actions on what I'm dreamt of.

without bravery

MIMPI tidak bermakna
dreams is useless

p/s: :::susah la bwk keta & cuak nak g jauh2:::

Friday, June 12, 2009

let's join twitter

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:12 PM 0 comments
i'm promoting u all to join twitter...
its easy and fun..

follow me okay?


owh..i wish.....

Posted by cutiefasha at 8:19 AM 0 comments

10 of the World's Tallest Women

Published on 6/8/2009 under People - 49,493 views

Yao Defen ( 7ft 8in - 233 cm)

Yao Defen claims
to be the tallest
woman in the world,
with 7' 8" (233 cm).
She weighs 200 kg (440 lbs)
and has size 26 (UK) / 78 (EU) feet.

p/s: owh i wish i could have at least 10 cm taller than now..huhu

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Posted by cutiefasha at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Marjerin pada asalnya bahan yang dihasilkan bagi menggemukkan ayam belanda(turkey). Apabila ia menyebabkan kematian kepada haiwan terbabit, orang yang melabur wang mereka dalam kajian itu mahukan wang mereka semula lalu memerah otak untuk mencari jalan apa yang mahu dibuat dengan barangan tersebut bagi mendapat semula wang pelaburan mereka.

Ianya adalah sebatian bahan berwarna putih yang tidak menyelerakan lalu mereka tambah pewarna kuning dan menjual kepada orang ramai sebagai ganti mentega. Suka tak? Mereka dengan liciknya telah menghasilkan marjerin dengan pelbagai perasa baru.

TAHUKAH ANDA ...perbezaan antara marjerin dan mentega?

Bacalah sehingga ke akhirnya. Anda tentu tertarik! Kedua-duanya mempunyai jumlah kalori yang sama. Mentega sedikit tinggi kandungan lemak tepunya sebanyak 8 gram berbanding 5 gram pada marjerin. Dengan memakan marjerin boleh meningkatkan penyakit jantung pada wanita sebanyak 53% berbanding memakan jumlah sama mentega, menurut Kajian Perubatan Harvard yang terbaru.

Memakan mentega meningkatkan penyerapan banyak nutrien lain dalam makanan. Mentega mempunyai banyak faedah nutrisi berbanding marjerin kerana ia adalah
makanan tambah nilai!

Mentega lebih enak berbanding marjerin dan ia boleh menaikkan rasa makanan lain. Mentega sudah pun wujud selama berabad-abad sedangkan marjerin terhasil kurang dari 100 tahun.

Dan sekarang kita bercakap tentang marjerin. Ia sangat tinggi kandungan asid lemak Trans. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koronari sebanyak tiga kali ganda. Ia meningkatkan kolesterol total serta LDL (kolesterol
berbahaya) dan menurunkan HDL (kolesterol bagus).

menaikkan risiko
penyakit barah sebanyak lima kali ganda.
mengurangkan jumlah susu badan.

Ia juga merendahkan respons pertahanan tubuh serta keberkesanan insulin semula jadi badan.

Dan ini ialah fakta yang paling membimbangkan .

Marjerin hanya kekurangan SATU MOLEKUL untuk menjadi PLASTIK.

Fakta ini
sahaja sudah cukup membuatkan saya mengelak dari memakan marjerin seumur hidup saya dan setiap barangan yang melalui proses hidrogenasi (ia bermakna
hidrogen ditambah, mengubah struktur molekul bahan).

Anda boleh cuba melakukan ujikaji ini:
Belilah satu mangkuk marjerin dan tinggalkan ia dalam garaj mahupun tempat teduh. Dalam masa dua hari anda akan dapati dua perkara berikut:

*tiada lalat yang menghurung, tidak juga lalat buah akan menghampirinya (ia sepatutnya memberitahu sesuatu kepada anda)

*ianya tidak akan membusuk atau bertukar baunya kerana ia tiada nilai-nilai nutrisi; tidak akan ada apa yang tumbuh atasnya. Hatta satu mikroorganisma juga tidak akan membiak atasnya. Kenapa? Kerana ia sangat hampir kepada plastik.

Mahukah anda meleburkan Tupperware dan menyapu ia ke atas roti

BAGUSLA KALAU DAH TAHU..Sebar2kan supaya jumlah pesakit jantung & barah berkurang.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Posted by cutiefasha at 8:26 AM 0 comments
okayh...i've been away for about three days
first day at KL, we straight away went to Taylor's college, subang jaya
my first impression...WOW~
soooo big !!

see this...

then, we had some shopping at alamanda..

but...suddenly aunty nor called mama n said dat she n family was already in KL...
staying at Bintang Warisan, BB Road..

the next day,
we (my family wif aunty nor's family) stayed at KL Plaza for one night
hahaha....manyak syok!

and lastly on monday, we had a short visit to KLCC via pavillion and BB Walk..
of coz..where else to go??AQUARIA jer laa~

best~best~and best~

Miracle of Prophet Muhammad

Posted by cutiefasha at 7:24 AM 0 comments

Miracle of Prophet Muhammad http://faizaneattar.net/Islamic_Books/English/Images/Sallallahu-
The split of Moon 'Proved by Scientists'

Moon Split

Please dont brake this chain, send it to all u know

Thursday, June 4, 2009

my first driving class..

Posted by cutiefasha at 7:51 AM 0 comments

just now, i'm having my first driving class(i really mean "drive" dis time!)
ermm, what to say, SHAYE KE-cuak-AN gler!!!!
dunno how if the instructor ask me to drive on da road next time
never mind, just be cool farah,


Monday, June 1, 2009

love story..

Posted by cutiefasha at 11:29 PM 0 comments
i've a story for my dear readers...

one day, LOVE and FRIEND go out together for a walk
suddenly, LOVE fall into a deep river.

Bcoz LOVE is blind...

Then, FRIEND quickly jump into the river to save LOVE...

Bcoz a good FRIEND will always be there for u
whenever, wherever and whatever we need them.
Therefore, FRIEND couldnt find LOVE.

Bcoz LOVE is too gentle , easy to lost whwn we didnt take care of it.
Finally, FRIEND give up and leave the LOVE there.

Bcoz FRIEND will leave and ignore us
if we dont know how to appreciate them..

so...find a gorgeous number of friends,
but remember to have some
GOOD FRIENDS as well!!!

:::special_post_to_nur_syazalina@nana_for sending_me_this_sms:::

taylor's university college

Posted by cutiefasha at 12:29 AM 0 comments
da dapat surat jpa tuh
wat persediaan kat taylor's university college, subang jaya
register 5th july
<the international canadian pre-university(ICPU)>
after 12 mth, i'll further to CANADA!!
omg~ so exciting..
studied there for 3 yrs ..

:::pray 4 me:::



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